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Anisha Parmar StudioAnisha Parmar Studio
Spreading the love.. Sneak Peek of new Valentines Day Pieces.

Spreading the love.. Sneak Peek of new Valentines Day Pieces.

As valentines day looms closer, I remember the dread my younger, single self used to feel for this day that celebrated mushy, coupled love. I used to tell myself of how much of a gimmick it was and snark at my loved up feed as I sat watching movies in my PJ's.

Fast forward a few years, I get married on 14th Feb 2017, as apparently the Hindu calendar said the stars were perfectly aligned for the ceremony. Now February 14th has a whole new meaning for myself and my husband, and I feel my younger self snarking every harder at me every year! 


For me love permeates so many of the relationships that I have, As an artist and small business owner, I couldn't stop thinking about the people around me who've supported me as I've thrown myself into my brand.  It is due to the love and support of my friends and family in those early days that I am here today doing what I love to do. 

For 30 year old Anisha Valentine's Day is a reminder of that support-

  • Me and mum carrying super heavy bags up and down the subways of Paris for trade shows, in the early days she was at every one of my shows, telling buyers of how proud of me she, and why they to invest in my work. 
  •  My best friends, coming with me or seeing me on their lunch breaks at craft markets. I think there's been a friend/family member either come see me or been there behind my stand at every market I've ever done. (I promised to pay them with food & that always seemed to entice them to help.)
  • My then boyfriend, now husband, helping me make stock for wholesale order till stupid o'clock. He still makes my display stands for me, helps my keep my laser machine in check, listens and acts as a sound board for every single idea that pops in my head and is basically the back bone of this brand. 
  • Cuddles from my dog Raja when feeling stressed, his little smiley face and snuggles also keep me spurred on.


So as much as I say I am a one woman band, for day to day tasks perhaps but with out the Love and Support of these incredibly amazing people,  my journey would have been seriously hard. 

Valentines day for me amplifies these amazing bonds, whether it's love for your significant other, your 'Gals' or family. It's a reason to celebrate those relationships that have spurred you on, for me its for my brand but also during this pandemic. The Zoom games nights, the catch ups with old friends, recipes and cooking along with the mum and mother-in-law, surprise pick me up presents & cards through the post, home date nights, long walks and emotional support when the day seems impossible- I hate to say it but #lockdownlove. 

I know this time has been so hard on people mentally & emotionally, especially for those who have spent it alone or lost loved ones. I just hope in the coming weeks we can all seek out those loving connections, even in the smallest ways that have been there through it all. 

 Inspired by these connections, I wanted to bring out a few V day pieces to uplift and make you smile launching on Friday 5th Feb at 11am! I injected some more love into my Badass Bride collection, created around the time of my wedding for these pieces. It will only be a small limited edition run of these pieces so be quick!

Follow us stories on Instagram for more BTS and Sneak peeks of the pieces, and little one below for you. 




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