Friday 19th July Ticket | Yoga & Sharing Circle

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Journey Into The PAST

To open the pop up, day one will begin with wellbeing, safety and security at the forefront as we journey into the past through a wholesome yoga practice and collective sharing circle. You’ll have the opportunity to delve into your senses, connect with others and share your own stories through objects, all whilst being held and supported from start to finish by dedicated wellbeing practitioners.

We, Anisha & Neelam, will begin by welcoming you into the community space and to the wellbeing practitioners that will be supporting you through the afternoon.

‌Yoga with Jaina

In this yoga session Jaina will take you on an experiential journey to ground into your body and the present moment. Jaina will deliver carefully guided instructions along with hands-on adjustments and assistance for those who would like a deeper experience. Through the power of movement, breath and energy you will regain a deep connection to yourself.

Once we have all arrived and connected into our body and felt into the collective group energy Jaina will guide us through a meditation to move our awareness and attention into the space of the heart.

‌Resting into the heart we can find a sense of love and compassion for ourselves and the feelings and emotions that we may be experiencing. The heart is the gateway to the soul and it is at this point that we will become more receptive to our soul.

The session will end with a guided relaxation where you will feel that you have fully arrived into the body, mind, heart and soul. It is here that you can rest, let go and trust in the experience and journey that you have taken and the journey that you are about to embark on in the sharing circle.

We do ask you to bring your own yoga mat on the day. There will be a limited number of spare mats available.

Sharing Circle with Anisha & Neelam Supported by Poonam (YSM8)

Objects have the ability to hold many stories, emotions and energy. After connecting to your body and soul through yoga with Jaina, we, Anisha & Neelam will welcome you into a beautiful sharing circle supported by somatic coach, artist and creative facilitator, Poonam Dhuffer.

Poonam will be supporting us to hold the sharing circle. She will invite you to ground into the space, relax deeper into your bodies, and express your stories.

Anisha & Neelam invite you to bring along an object that is special to you and holds a story or stories that you wish to reflect on and share. Objects could include an heirloom such as a piece of jewellery or an item of clothing.

Throughout the sharing circle you will have the opportunity to share your stories with the community, listen to the stories of others and reflect on the beautiful group energy.

There will be time throughout for moments of pause and reflection and we will close our circle in a collective ceremony. 

On this day we invite you to wear an element of green in your outfit, the colour of grounding, vitality and calm!

(Suitable for 16 years old and above: More details in the tabs below.)

Pickup available at Anisha Parmar Studio

Usually ready in 5+ days

Agenda for the Day

2:00pm - 2:15pm: Welcome with Anisha & Neelam

2:15pm - 3:30pm: Yoga with Jaina

3:30pm - 4:30pm: Break & Light Refreshments

4:30pm - 5:30pm: Sharing Circle with Anisha & Neelam Supported by Poonam

5:30pm - 5:45pm: Short Break

5:45pm - 7:00pm: Sharing Circle continued

What's included in your ticket

-Support and guidance from Jaina & Poonam
-A grounding Yoga Class with Jaina
-Light refreshments including tea and sweet & savoury snacks
-An intimate sharing circle with group discussion, reflection and connection with Anisha, Neelam & Poonam

What to bring

We invite you to bring:

  • A yoga mat
  • A journal (reflection cards will be available on the day but you are welcome to bring your own journal for further reflections)
  • An object that holds a story or stories that you wish to reflect on in the sharing circle

Age restrictions:
Sharing circles can often bring up vulnerable and emotional topics. To ensure a supportive and appropriate environment, we have a recommended age policy in place. We kindly ask that participants be 16 years or older to join these sessions. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

To capture the special moments and vibes, create memories and help with future pop up planning we will have a photographer present. If you prefer not to be included in any photographs, please feel free to let him know at any point during the event.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!

Yoga Disclaimer:
I understand that the activity I am pursuing with Jaina is voluntary. I acknowledge that participation in yoga classes exposes me to a possible risk of injury. I am fully aware of that risk and I therefore, agree that the teacher, any replacement instructor or host facility does not accept any liability for negligence or other claims arising from or in any way connected with my participation in a yoga class, included but not limited to personal property that is lost, stolen or damaged before, during or after the class.

By purchasing a ticket I acknowledge that I will take responsibility for my health and wellbeing in relation to yoga classes and I will work within the realms of my own comfort whilst progressing at my own pace. If I experience any pain or discomfort, I will listen to my body, adjust the posture and ask for support from the teacher. If at any point I feel overexertion or fatigue, I will respect my body’s limitations and I will rest before continuing with the yoga practice.

‌I understand that yoga may help my well-being but it is not a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment. Yoga is not recommended under certain medical conditions therefore it is my responsibility to consult a physician prior to practising yoga. I also acknowledge that it is my responsibility to notify my teacher of any serious illness/medical condition/injury or physical condition before every yoga class.

Nothing in this disclaimer shall limit or exclude any liability that is not permitted under applicable law. Should any provisions of this disclaimer be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the other provisions shall remain valid and enforceable and the disclaimer shall remain in full force and effect. The courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this disclaimer.

This information will be kept confidential and is used solely to make modifications in class. By purchasing a ticket I confirm that I have read and fully understand the above contents, and I also confirm that I am completing this agreement voluntarily.

‌Sharing Circle Disclaimer:
Poonam leads these workshops as a somatic coach and facilitator. It does not offer 1-2-1 support, address trauma or mental health challenges. This sharing circle is not a form of therapy or counselling. This sharing circle will involve invitations to engage and connect with your body, your heirlooms and your story.

Our work is always an invitation to connect. Please note that these activities (in the same way as speech) are always optional and remember to only ever do/ share what is comfortable for you.

Pay what you can

We've poured our hearts into making this event a reality, covering just the essential expenses (not counting all the time and effort we've put in). Your support means the world to us. If you're able to contribute, in any amount, it would help us immensely and ensure we can keep bringing events like this to our community. Thank you so much for your generosity and support!

Concessionary Tickets

A limited number of free tickets are available for this event for individuals that:

  • Are from low-income households
  • Those with additional needs or disabilities
  • Those whose voices are underrepresented or marginalised.

If you are an individual who identifies with any of the above or another other situation which you believe qualifies please complete this form by Friday 17th July 2024. We will review all applications and respond back by Friday 12th July to confirm if you have been successful in your application.


The Lab E20, E Park Walk, East Village, London E20 1JB

Pay what you can

Held us spread the word

Adorned Narratives 2024 is only the start of our pop up dreams! 

We would love for you to help us spread the word with friends, family and your community! Please tag us in to any of your social shares



